Thursday, March 5, 2009

Freshman Growth...

Tonight I had one of the most encouraging conversations with one of my freshman girls. She and I were talking about Spring Break, and the fact that she isn't going on the RUF mission trip to New Orleans. Her parents had told her she couldn't go because her grades from last semester weren't high enough. Initially she had been rather disappointed by this, but as we were talking tonight she mentioned that she felt that God could really use her at home over spring break more than he could in New Orleans. She has a sister whose in high school who really doesn't have a lot of friends and she wants to encourage her and help her build relationship over break. As this girl put it, she really wants to use her spring break to "Serve her family." I'm totally blown away by the work that God is doing in this students life. It's amazing how much she has grown in the six months that I have known her. I can't wait to see more of God's work in her life! :)