Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Stand Amazed

Tonight as I was dropping a student off I was struck by how bizarre a job I really have. I mean I've known for a long time, perhaps even prior to beginning the internship, that this job is rather nontraditional, but tonight I had a different realization. The epiphany I had tonight was more so connect to how amazing it is that God uses us the way he does. As I left from dropping off a student, whom I had the privilege of spending several hours talking and listening to, it just hit me... It's so amazing and such a true privilege and blessing to my life to be used by God here in the lives of students at Maryland. I know that we often realize how meager we are in God's plans and how little we have to offer, but here is what was running through my mind tonight over and over... In so many ways I'm just a kid fresh out of college, I don't have any loft degree in theology or counseling and yet God is still choosing to use me here on this campus to support his people and to hopefully, Lord willing, point them to truth. I know I'm having trouble really relaying how this hit me, so I will sum it up in this image. I feel like I've had a really jaw dropping moment, and I just need to stand here for a while with my mouth hanging open. It truly is such a blessing to be free and available to love on students, encourage the, watch them grow, and most of all see God at work!