Friday, August 21, 2009


Well, God sure does provide...

Today I set off for Northern VA to spend some much needed quality time with my former college roommates, and given how insane it is to drive down there I figured I would try and kill two birds with one stone by getting a haircut nearby. When I arrived it turned out that my hairstylist had been switched, which wasn't a big deal since I'd never been there before anyways. So I sat and waited to be called. Almost as soon as I sat down in the chair it seemed the topic of occupation came up and as usually I told the stylist that I work for a christian campus ministry, and before I knew it our conversation was off and running. Through the course of my time there we got to talk a great deal about the church and God, both things that I could tell this individual was struggling with. 

As I sat there in the chair during one of the lulls in conversation it hit me how wonderful my job is, but this time the realization struck for a totally different reason. I've come to realize just how wonderful this job that God has called me to is because of the door that is opened the moment that I tell anyone what I do. On more than one instance lately I've had conversations take off in full force the moment I say what I do. It's so wonderful that I can be used in this way. While it doesn't always play out this way, I am so thankful for when it does. Today I was particularly overjoyed because I've been longing to have conversations like this, particularly because in this area people tend to be less friendly and open. I'm just so thankful for moments like this and for God's faithful provision. :)


  1. SO cool! I've felt the same way with my new job. The other night I got to talk about Jesus with this Jewish guy, and the conversation started with me just telling him what my job is. Yayyy!

  2. It really does open a lot of doors. That is wonderful to hear!
