Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cookie Making... really relationship building in disguise

I've come to the conclusion that it is absolutely shameful that half of the young moms I know can update their blogs more often than I do! I mean they're balancing being a mom, wife, and running a house and they can still find time to write, so I should be able to too.

Well, I'm sure you didn't stumble upon my blog to hear me rant, so I would be delight to tell you about a fun little event I hosted last night for our RUF ministry team girls and some freshman /transfer students who are new to RUF this Fall. It has long since been on my heart to see these two clusters of students become more acquainted with one another, so I offered to play host to a Christmas cookie making/decorating party. So last night at around 6:45PM a group of 12 girls converged at my apartment to make cookies, listen to Christmas music, and enjoy each others company. It was so much fun to get to see these girls getting to know one another and making cookies of course!

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