Tuesday, January 5, 2010

End of the Semester Exam Brunch

Fall Semester 2009 at Maryland was a whirlwind of Christmas parties, final meetings with students, packing for home, an excursion to Annapolis with my trusty Campus Minister Chris & co-intern Patrick that I wasn't even able to find a moment to reflect on the end of the year brunch that Patrick and I hosted. So, almost a month later here it is!

It is often so hard to find gaps in students schedules when they are willing and able to meet, so it was clear that exam week was gone to be a near to impossible time to get with students. So, it was such a blessing that as Patrick and I were walking through Walmart buying things for the RUF Barn Dance in November that upon spotting a griddle, which I've been longing to buy as I love pancakes, I thought "we should through a brunch during finals!" Students are always so busy then and often finish up at different times, so not only do they long for a break from the endless studying but it's also nice to get to see one another before heading out. So with this in mind, Patrick and I decided that we were going to host a brunch for students. At the time I was super excited, but I will be the first to admit that in the days approaching I began to doubt this once brilliant idea. The days leading up to the brunch were packet with a cookie making event at my apartment, the RUF Christmas Party, backing for Nashville and home, and everything else under the sun. I recall going to bed the night before the brunch thinking, "why in the world did I think this was a good idea!" We had 17 people RSVPd for brunch the following day in my two bedroom apartment, and all I could think was, "this is a great idea, but I'm not even going to get to talk to any students because I'll be so busy making food!" As I got up the next morning at 7AM I was remind, that so much of our jobs as interns are about us connecting with students, but about helping them to connect with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. While I long to have moments where I get to love them and encourage them with the truth of the Gospel I also long to see them beginning to understand what it means to walk hand in hand with one another through life. With this new perspective I was beginning to be a bit more optimistic about brunch, but God's goodness didn't stop there.

Patrick and I had done a pretty great job getting things ready, so once students showed up we would only have to throw the eggs and bacon in their respective pans and put the batter on the griddle. The coffee maker was programed and Patrick and I were staged to begin whipping up large amounts of breakfast goodness when the first two guys showed up.
Before I continue I would like to note that God has really been teaching me over the last year or more that it is such a blessing to step back and allow others to serve.
Upon arrival these guys immediately asked what they could do, and before I knew it Patrick was manning the pancakes, Joel was cooking the bacon, and Andrew was cooking the eggs, which left me to occasionally check the coffee and brew more when necessary. Through the course of the morning we served ruffly 17+ students who stuck around for a long time chatting and generally just enjoying one another. All the fears I had about this day proved to be so false, and I can say that I thoroughly loved having these students in my home! God definitely surpassed my greatest expectations for this event and I can't wait to do something similar in the future!

Here are a few photos of the day:

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