Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Resolutions... Just a fancy way of saying we need to change?

Six days into the New Year, and I have yet to make any "resolutions." Yikes! Sure I've already committed to running more, but that's not really a New Years Resolution. It's more the result of my having signed on to run the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler with a few of my girls. I have ruffly 94 days to get in shape for it, so I've got to get cracking! Before jumping into what my actually, "resolution" is, I want to share a small realization that I had as I was trying to come up with a fitting title for this post. Titles have long since been a struggle for me, so I tend to just ponder them for a while.

As I was pondering a fitting title it hit me that, "resolutions" are really just a fancy way of saying that there is an area in your life in which one needs to change or grow.

Though much of the world would not recognize that it is God who in fact equips and grows us, I was struck by the common theme that resonates throughout mankind. Christians and non-christians alike all recognize we are continually in need of growth and change. If this isn't true, then explain to me why at the beginning of every year millions of people make resolutions? I wish I could communicate this more eloquently, but I fear that I have done this profound realization little justices. While many do not recognize the Lord to exist or have dominion over the earth, I have found as I sit down to write there there is yet another common thread that all image bearers share. It is that most, if not all, recognize year end and year out that they need for grow. Sure our reasons for change may differ, but I attribute it to our common yearn for restoration. We in the christian community recognize that our need for sanctification, or growth, spans all of our lives and being. Perhaps I have stretch this definition a little too far, but I think there is in fact a common thread beneath this yearning for change or new resolutions.

Well, with that all said, my new years resolution is to be more reflective on the work that God is doing and also on what he is calling me to do long term. So for now I will mark this post as the first step in the right direction. I know that only through prayer and mediation on God's word will I see any real change. It is my prayer that God would be growing me in this area of my life. So here you have it. This is my "New Years Resolution," and Lord willing you will be able to see first hand the ways that God will be growing me in this area, through my reflections here as well!

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