Saturday, February 13, 2010

Simplifying In Hopes of Success

So, I have no idea if anyone has or ever will read this blog, but that's really besides the point. I committed a month ago that I was going to blog more regularly about life here in College Park with RUF, but I haven't even written since I've been back. So I've decided that every week day morning I'm going to start the day with breakfast, a cup of coffee, and a little blog about the day before. My goal at this point is to at least do this for the next week.

I could say that I haven't been blogging because Maryland has now been out of school for six days due to the recent blizzards, but lets be honest that's a rather lame excuse. I spent the first blizzard in VA with a dear friend, and returned on Monday to an apartment parking lot full of snow. Thank goodness at least one car had left. I felt guilty taking their spot, but didn't really have any other choice than to park in it. The the roads back from VA were pretty awful, so I was just eager to be done with the whole driving mess for awhile.

Tuesday night we had an RUF spaghetti dinner and movie night at Chris's. About 12 individuals, myself included, made the journey on foot over to watch Shawshank Redemption. It was a pretty great evening. Plans were made to go sledding Wednesday at noon, but by the time Wednesday morning rolled around it was snowing hard and there were 20-30 mph winds. Needless to say, we had to push back the sledding time. About seven of us met up at 3:00ish to go sledding and play in the snow. Kellan, Morgan, and I went down the hill about 4 or five times and then hiked off across the field below into a wooded area with a cute little bridge over a stream. This leisurely hike turned out to be quite a workout at the snow was up to our knees and untouched. After wandering through the woods and climbing a tree we headed back to meet up with the guys. At which point they decided to tackle us. Their tackling us led to us all knocking one another over. It really was fun! It was getting dark at this point so we set out for Chris's. The rest of the evening was pretty leisurely, which was so nice since I was for one was exhausted. Thursday.......

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